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From: www.ncsa.uiuc.edu

Perl Tutorial Perl is an interpreted programming language known for its power and flexibility. This tutorial will teach basic data structures, flow control, and string manipulation in the context of writing a common CGI program for a Web server.

From: www.hardcorelinux.com

The PERL Fundamentals Tutorial Whether it's your first time or you just need a reference, this comprehensive Perl tutorial will get you coding monster scripts in no time!

From: www.begginers.co.uk

Professional Perl Part 1 - Subroutines Subroutines are autonomous blocks of code that function like miniature programs and can be executed from anywhere within a program. Because they are autonomous, calling them more than once will also re use them.

Professional Perl Part 2 - Passing Parameters Basic Perl subroutines do not have any formal way of defining their arguments. We say 'basic' because we can optionally define a prototype that allows us to define the types of the arguments passed, if not their names inside the subroutine.

From: www.devshed.com

Object-Oriented Programming In Perl Perl OOP can sometimes be a little confusing, especially for the inexperienced newbie. The first of a two-part article, this tutorial attempts to simplify things with a light-hearted look at some basic OO concepts in Perl.

From: www.webreference.com

RSA Encryption in Perl Encrypting data is becoming more important in a world where everyone wants to snoop. Learn how to protect your data in an ironclad lockbox with Perl and the Crypt::RC4 module. (Mother of Perl)

Mac Daemons in Perl Once again someone has proven that it can be done on a Mac. Continuing with the Perl daemon series, guest writer Brian McNett cooks up a Mac daemon alternative with a little spice from Chris Nandor.

Unix Daemons in Perl Unix daemons are unseen creatures that lurk in the shadows of your computer, performing the bidding of the all-knowing root process. In this tutorial, we will learn to craft our own daemons in Perl.

From: www.dotcomma.org

Introduction to CGI Concepts This article serves as an introduction to the concepts involved in CGI programming with Perl. There's no programming in this article, just an explanation about what CGI actually means.

Introduction to Perl and CGI: Getting Your First Program to Run A continuation of the previous tutorial, "Introduction to CGI Concepts." This article teaches basic Perl syntax and CGI scripting.

Introduction to CGI Part 3: Perl Variables Part 3 of my Perl and CGI tutorials; focus on Perl variables.

An Example Perl XML Application An introductory Perl and XML tutorial which teaches through examples.

Perl to PHP Migration Written for Perl programmers who are interested in the nearly identical (but easier) language, PHP.