Pixel Cafe Online
Traditional Arts Computer Arts Tutorials Links
Some words & thoughts about the Cafe, the history, the author and some totally boring things.



   Pixel Cafe is a website that I, Cristhian F. Serur created with the objective of showing my works, and drawings, and also to serve as a good resource for all the new designYep, that's me! ^_^ and media techniques out there, with tutorials, and many useful links. It is a constantly changing process, and the help of anyone is always welcome. My main purpose is to make this site a reference for both artists and designers in the future, with news, interviews and so on. For now, let's focus on myself. I'm a web designer, much like a freelancer, and an amateur artist, I work mainly with mechanical pencils and shadow works. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, that's in South America, for the outsiders ;-)

   I began some years ago to design for the web and to try new technologies with various programs, the main of them, Photoshop, my primary and most powerful design weapon ;o) As for the drawing, I draw practically since I was born, I dunno how, but at the age of five just grabbed a pencil and started drawing, I think that the drawing is something that is not learnt, but instead you carry it within your blood, and just awakens when it's the right time. Since almost a year, I entered and became member of Elfwood, an online community for amateur artists, there I normally put my drawings and anything that results of dabbling in the computer ^_^

   As for the other part of the facts, normally here I do work in internet companies, most of the time as a help desk technician, but in the meantime I do freelance works with web design. I know I'm not a skilled one, so I decided here to include a tutorial section on most topics of graphics and web design, also I will include traditional arts, because the best professor out there is the net, the things I know today I learned them from the net. It is the most valuable resource out there. And, for the title of this site, I tried to mix two of my passions, the computer graphics and the coffee, I do love coffee in any kind of form, some time ago, my callsign was Hudson_Hawk, because I loved (and still do) the capuccino coffe ^_^ Nowadays you can find me out there as Lost Angel, my last and most enigmatic callsign both on Elfwood and ICQ ;o)

   Anyway, hope you enjoy this site and its contents, and feel free to email me, or sign the guestbook with your ideas, because the ideas are the forces behind the creativity that leads to sucess. I want to make this site as a resource and useful utility, so a thing like that is better made by many. So, grab yourself a cappuccino matey' or, you can also learn to prepare the famous Irish Coffee in the links section too ;o) hope you like the site, and thanks for visiting.

Visit my Elfwood Gallery



Webdesigned, dabbled, created and uploaded by Cristhian F. Serur © 2001